1. What is WheelsDealers?
WheelsDealers is an online automobile Portal where any Dealers can buy & sell the
cars, around the world.
2. Does WheelsDealers sell cars?
WheelsDealers does not sell or export used cars by itself, it does not own any used
cars. WheelsDealers is merely marketplace owner and vehicles available on WheelsDealers
belong to WheelsDealers used car dealers and will be exported by each dealers.
3. Who do I pay to and how do I transfer the money?
You will need to pay to the used car dealer who owns the vehicle. The method & terms
of payment may differ from one dealer to the other. Please consult the dealers you
are buying from for their payment procedures.
4. Who are WheelsDealers.com?
WheelsDealer.com is an online web portal to trade Used Car’s. This website “WheelsDealers.com”
is owned by Mark infoserve co. Ltd (japan). Mark infoserve co. Ltd (japan) has been
supporting a number of small, medium and big sized used car dealers by providing
them with various state of the art technological support like Used Car Trading Software
– “AUTOSOFT”, designing and creating websites and mobile phone applications for
their business.
Is WheelsDealers taking care transaction of money?
No, the WheelsDealers not taking care any of payment transaction from one dealers
to another dealer .
5. How long I can use WheelsDealers freely?
You can use the WheelsDealers for 6 Month free.
6. How to avoid the fraud companies?
Important Tips to avoid frauds while buying used vehicle from Japan:
1. Always collect complete details about used car exporters like their company,
establishment, postal address, website, email, telephone, membership and others.
2. Verify their information: Check the company name or address on Google search,
call on the registered phone number to verify existence.
3. Check if the company is member of known auction houses and reputed exporters
associations like JUMVEA, JETRO, Chambers of Commerce, this will be a plus point
for trust and worthiness.
4. Check if the company is paid member of popular used car portal sites.
5. Check company’s website thoroughly and collect maximum information to verify
company is genuine or not. If have doubt ask for more information.
6. Very low price could be a trap, please double check with other exporters. Check
the company more cautiously or buy from reliable exporter for little extra.
7. Check the company’s terms and conditions, the purchase process and payment terms.
8. Payment must be made in Company’s bank account in Japan only. Avoid to make payment
in personal name or outside Japan bank account.
9. Always order one or few units if dealing for first time.
If you have any doubt or query, please feel free to contact us any time.
7. Does the stated price include shipping charge?
Prices appearing on WheelsDealers are all free on board (FOB) prices. FOB term does
not include shipping charge to the port of destination. Please contact the dealer
if you want C.I.F or C&F (shipping charges inclusive) quotations.
8. If I forgot my login Password? How to retrieve it?
A. Click on the “Forgot
Password?” button on the Login field.
B. In the pop-up window, please enter your email address and click
C. Our system will automatically send you your Password to your E-Mail address.
9. How do I register in wheelsdealers.com?
It’s really easy. Just go to wheelsdealers.com then click on the “Registration”
button at the bottom of the login fields and fill the required information with
your E-Mail address and click on the
button at the bottom
of the page.
You can use after your “confirmation
of the account activation mail” received from the. click the link in
the activation email to activate and validate your email address.
10. What is subscribe Newsletter? How to subscribe for Newsletter in wheelsdealers.com?
This feature help you to know the new stocks arrivals through E-Mail
If you want to subscribe Newsletter at the bottom of the page you can see the field
of News letter Box, there you can enter your email address and click on the “submit”
11. I Searched in the website but could not find any car of my desire
If you cannot find your desired used Japanese car, please leave the details of the
car you are looking for from POST YOUR VEHICLE DEMAND (Request Car). The sellers
who own those car will contact you and offer the vehicles you might be interested
12. I want to know more about WheelsDealers?
We are glad about the interest you have evinced in WheelsDealers. Please log into
www.Wheelsdealers.com for more details.
13. I am unable to login with the user name and password sent to me by E-Mail?
Choose the Forgot Password or Please Contact WheelsDealers Admin Regarding your
Password Issue, You can also contact us by E-mail, Skype,
14. Does WheelsDealers offer phone support?
Yes you can Contact WheelsDealers,
We also have a Feedback where you can get help from the WheelsDealers as well as
WheelsDealers staff members.
Click here for your feedbacks and question, we happy to help you
15. I do not have a PC?
Don’t worry, we have the WheelsDealersmobile application for iPhone and android,
you can download it from iStore and Google Play, from there you can register with
your user name and password.
16. Why should I login?
If you login to the WheelsDealers website then you will have a personal homepage
which is your portal to control your communications, manage your stocks, upload
your stocks, demand posting and to enter your requirement etc.
17. Do your terms of use allow me to use WheelsDealers?
Absolutely, provided that it's for your commercial use. Please Read Terms of use
18. Is my personal information secure?
WheelsDealers utilizes the latest security and encryption techniques to ensure the
security of your account information. We do not sell or rent your personal information
to third parties for their marketing purposes. We view protection of users' privacy
as a very important community principle. We understand clearly that you and your
information are one of our most important assets. WheelsDealers will however, always
cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies and authorities in any investigations
concerning fraud or any type of Internet crime. We store and process your information
on computers located in the Japan that are protected by physical as well as technological
security devices.
19. Can I change my username?
No you can’t change the user name.
20. Will my account be safe if I change my ISP?
Yes, changing your ISP or your IP address will not affect your account in any way.
We allow you to access your account from different locations or IP addresses so
this is not an issue.
21. Why am I being asked to login each time I come to the site?
This could be one of 2 things. First if your browser is not accepting cookies then
our system will not keep your session active. Secondly when you go to login make
sure you click the Remember Me checkbox. This will keep your WheelsDealers session
active for up to 90 days. If you click the logout or delete your cookies you will
be required to login again.
22. Is there a minimum age to join WheelsDealers?
User under 18 years cannot register in Member's ID service. (Except with WheelsDealer's
23. Can I access my account from different locations?
Yes,you can use the WheelsDealers around the world. We do not mind if you access
your account from home, work, the Library, friend’s house, internet cafe etc. Accessing
your account from a different IP address does not put your account in any danger
of being closed or suspended.